Saturday, 19 October 2013

Highest Adsense Earner In The World – How Much Money He Makes?

people asking questions in comments and on Facebook like….

Who is the highest Adsense earner in the world?

Who makes the most money from Adsense?

How much money does the highest Adsense earner in the world earns?

These are questions I am sure every blogger and webmaster wants to know the answer to, including me :)
So I did some research and found out a few stuff about the top Adsense earners in the world. I was shocked to see that these guys were earning 10′s of times a month than what our top Indian Adsense earners were getting in a year. So there can be some crazy numbers here, so brace yourself :D
I am only going to talk about the top two highest Adsense earners, that is Shawn Hogan and Markus Frin as these two are head and shoulders above anyone else in terms of making money from Adsense.They also earn so close to each other that I felt it is not possible to decide who earns the highest when an average is taken over a year or two.
So here it goes…

Number 1 Adsense Earner In The World

Shawn Hogan – Digital Point Forums

Shawn Hogan Highest Adsense Earner
Shawn Hogan Highest Adsense Earner
Shawn Hogan owns the website.
I think all you bloggers and webmasters would have visited this forum at-least once before. So I do not need to tell you how good it is and how influential it is.
Lets go through some Adsense stats for Digital Point Forums.
  • Pagerank – 5
  • Alexa Rank – 754
  • Domain Authority – 85
  • Traffic/Month – >45 Million Hits
  • Adsense Income/Year – ~ 2 Million Dollars
It has been estimated that Shawn Hogan of Digital Point will earn anywhere between 1.75Million to 2.25 Million dollars every year from Google Adsense alone. THAT IS CRAZY! :D
Well that’s not all, we have got another Google Adsense publisher who earns as much as Shawn Hogan, his name is Markus Frind.

Markus Frind – Plenty Of Fish

Markus Frind Adsense Highest Earner
Markus Frind Adsense Highest Earner
Don’t get shocked by thinking that a fishing website has the highest earnings from Adsense in the world. It’s actually an online dating service with over 3 Million daily visitors, so you can tell that he makes a killing from Adsense alone with that kind of traffic to his site!
Plenty Of Fish Adsense Stats -
  • Pagerank – 5
  • Alexa Rank – 301
  • Domain Authority – 63
  • Traffic/Month – 90 Million Hits
  • Adsense Income/Year – ~ 2 Million Dollars
Markus Frind also safely earns more than 2 Million dollars a year from Google Adsense alone, truly an enormous income that cannot be matched by any other websites.

So these two are the highest Adsense earners in the world, if you guys know any others in this similar range, please leave a comment :)

High Paying Adsense CPC Keyword List 2013

This blog post is especially for those bloggers who run micro-niche sites, or sites which are dedicated to a small topic. In these sites you can implement some of these highest paying Adsense keywords.
Usually a click on a Google Adsense ad will result in a few cents of income for a blogger, but with these extremely high paying cpc keywords for Adsense, you can expect to earn anywhere between 50-100$ per click if you are lucky.
High Paying Adsense Keywords
High Paying Adsense Keywords
Without wasting much time…

Top CPC Paying Adsense Keywords


Mesothelioma is and always has been the highest paying keyword.There has been no competition for this keyword in terms of cost per click.
In a good quality website with loads of credible information on mesothelioma, you can expect to get a 100-120$ per click on an Adsense ad for this keyword.
Competition for this keyword is intense as most bloggers want to make a quick buck from this, so there are a lot of spammers in this micro-niche.


Attorney services also end up having very high earnings for each click on an Adsense ad. You can expect to get around 80-100$ for a successful click that has not been counted as invalid.
This micro-niche too is very populated but delivers some of the highest paying Adsense keywords.

Donate A Car

For some reason, car donation seems to be very important to some advertisers, I have seen people talking about getting $50+ for each click on this micro-niche topic of Adsense.

Insurance Sales

This is one of the most populated micro-niche out there.
Before the CPC of Adsense ads for this niche were very high, competing with mesothelioma, but due to over-spamming and a whole host of made for Adsense sites that sprung up trying to make a quick buck from this niche, the advertisers have dropped their CPC bids.
Still, Insurance is a top paying Adsense keyword in 2013.

Medical Lawyers

Like insurance, medical lawyers and many other keywords related to lawyer hiring services will give $30+ per click on quality websites.
So these are a few highest paying Adsense keywords that I know about, if you know some other keyword phrases that pay as much as these, please let me know in the comments section.

It’s Not Easy To Make Money From These Keywords

People may think that they can write a couple of articles and get a couple of high PR backlinks and they can rank highly for these keywords and earn thousands of dollars each month.This is not the case.
Most of the top ranking sites for these keywords have been working on their SEO for a long time and hence will have done a hundreds times more work on SEO than you.
Also Google does not like sites made to capitalize on these keywords, it is very hard to rank for these high paying Adsense keywords.
I have also seen many people get their Adsense accounts banned because of low quality scrapped content in these niche.

So be careful while trying to make some money from Adsense in these niche, it is a tricky business :D

Top 5 Best Ways to Increase Adsense Revenue

Adsense is one of the most trusted ways for bloggers to earn money using their blog. But extracting money from Adsense is really tough, especially for the people who are using it for the first time. Making your first $100 on Adsense could be really difficult, that’s when you are a rookie. On the other hand we see professional bloggers earning thousands of dollars daily. How come? Well, there are a lot of reasons for the same but the main reasons are their traffic and good Adsense ad placements. If you too want to earn like those professionals then try reading these Top 5 Best Ways to Increase Adsense Revenue.

Ad Size

Ad size is something which doesn’t get the amount of consideration which it should get. Maximum rookie bloggers just ignore it, some of them consider it so much that they try fitting in the biggest size ads in the smallest sections of their blogs. I suggest you to use leader board ads if you are going to place the ads near the header, use middle or large rectangle if you are going to place ads above the post. The bigger will works best :D

Traffic Type

This is something which too is ignored by the rookie bloggers. The type of traffic is broadly classified into two types – Organic Traffic, people coming to your site through search engines etc are counted under this type. Inorganic traffic is the second type; people coming to your site through inorganic sources like Facebook are counted under this type. Organic traffic is the best, and people who are counted under that type are more likely to hit the Adsense ads. So try increasing the organic traffic count.
Read Also: 10 Ways To Get Targeted Traffic.


Placement is the most crucial part of increasing Adsense revenue. The best places to place your ads are between the posts, left sidebar, and on the right side of header. If your ads aren’t placed on the correct place then you won’t even earn a single penny, even if your blog is getting huge amount of traffic. There are bloggers getting well over 100 thousand visitors monthly but they earn just around $150 monthly because their Adsense ad placement is poor.

Adsense For Search

I suggest you to add Adsense everywhere you can. Include the Adsense ads in search; you can do so by using the custom search box code. You should even try adding Adsense for feeds. This way you will increase triple up your Adsense earning sources, which will ultimately lead to a huge hype in your earnings.

Ad Type

I suggest you to add image as well as text ads both in your posts but Images perform best and get high CTR, CPC. But I suggest you to add text ads above the posts and image ads on the header and on the sidebar.

What’s new with Facebook events and how you can make it work for you!

Facebook events have just been updated. But what does that mean for you? How can you change the way you use your event pages to get the most out of them?
In this post, I will give you an overview of what has been updated, and discuss some new strategies you can employ to get more people going to your event.


  1. Less fields are required to create the event. You only need to enter a name, date and the privacy settings. All other fields are optional
  2. You can now put a time zone on your event! – No longer does your international event have to state the time zone in the description!
  3. People who have joined the event can update the location at a later date
  4. The wall shows when someone joins the event - 
  5. Wall posts are ordered by activity, therefore any discussions will stay at the top if they are important
  6. The wall will only allow comments from people who are attending, or might do so
  7. You can easily turn off notifications for events by clicking the cog in the top right
  8. The admin will get notified if someone who you invited has joined the event
  9. Multiple friends can invite you to the same event
  10. Guest suggestions are also shown on the right when you invite people
  11. If someone declines an event, only the people who invited them will get notified
  12. If they state why they can’t attend, the message will be filtered out of the wall and into the ‘view declines’ area
Create a new Facebook event

How can you use these features for better attendance at your event?

Engage your fans

When you maintain a Facebook page, you create posts that should spark engagement. This should also be taken through to your events page. As the wall now arranges any posts by their activity, you want to keep people engaged in the most important conversations. This keeps them at the top, where you want it to be. Unlike Facebook pages, the posts won’t just drift to the bottom of the timeline, never to be seen again, as long as you keep them alive.
As people that are attending, or might attend can post on the wall, keep an eye out for any support questions people might have.You might have the most complete event description around, with links in all the appropriate places but people will still ask questions, so make sure you are ready to answer them in a timely manor like you would your page.

Invite your friends

Make use of the ability to invite your profiles friends, you still can’t do this as a page, however join the event as your profile and start inviting! People aren’t going to find your event unless you put it in front of them.
While creating engaging content on the wall, remind people that they can bring a friend.
With the new suggestions feature, they will hopefully invite more than they used too as they will be reminded of others.

Thank your attendees

When a new person joins your event, they are now shown on the wall. Make sure you use this as an opportunity to thank them for attending. It takes two seconds of your time, and makes that person feel a little bit happier that they are coming to your event, especially if they had to pay money to attend!

Facebook adverts

This isn’t so much to do with the update, but a means to getting your event in front of your target audience. Facebook ads have always been a very successful way of getting more people to your pages and events, so don’t forget to make use of it.
I have heard people have a lot of success when they put a short time period on their advert, with the same budget as if it was spread over a long period of time. The advert is more likely to be displayed regularly. This is due to Facebook wanting to spend the full budget before the time is up. So if your event is only one or two days away, Facebook ads are still a viable option to increase the people attending your Facebook event.

If you decide to go down this route, make sure you remember to split test your Facebook ads.

How have you found the change to the Facebook Events? What techniques do you find works for you? Let me know in the comments below!

5 quick changes to speed up your WordPress website

Have you taken the time to speed up your website?
Have you considered the impact the speed of your website has?
If your website is slow, you will have annoyed any new visitors before you even get going!
They won’t see your beautiful design, and they certainly won’t read your brilliant content because they would have left your site before it’s even on the screen.
By speeding up your website, you will not only retain new visitors for longer, but you will actually increase the rate in which you gain new traffic.
This is because search engines rank your website for the quality and relevancy of your content, AND for how quick it loads.
That means that the faster your pages load, the more Google will like you, and the higher up the rankings you will find yourself.

How to test your website speed?

The quickest way to test your websites speed is to use Pingdom.
Pingdom allows you to enter any web address and it will give the page a rating based on it’s download speed and general performance.
It goes on to tell you areas that could be improved, e.g. here on StuffedWeb, I could make better use of browser caching.
Pingdom Page Speed Performance

How to speed up your website

#1. Delete your spam comments

This one is fairly obvious but very easily over looked.
A few comments won’t really make a difference to your website, but if you let the spam comments build up to thousands, then things will have a different story.
To remove your spam, just click the ‘spam’ link from the dashboard, then click the ‘Empty spam’ button at the top.
WordPress emptry spam buttons

#2. Delete your post revisions

This is a little less obvious, but every time you edit a post, WordPress will save the old version.
This means that each post is likely to have between 10 and 20 revisions each – especially if you edit within the WordPress admin!
Removing these will speed up your website considerably!
The easiest way to do this is to install the plugin ‘Better Delete Revision’ – This plugin hasn’t been updated for the past two years, but everything is in working order.
Once you have installed the plugin, go to ‘Settings’ > ‘Better Delete Revision’, then click the button ‘Check Revision Posts’ and delete them.
Better Delete Revision

#3. Clean up your plugins

Adding plugins to your website is one of the most detrimental things you can do.
However in almost all cases, this is unavoidable.
Instead, you need to keep the number of plugins you have installed on your website to a minimum.
Uninstall those that aren’t activated and consider removing any that don’t get used very often.
The fewer plugins you have, the better.

#4. Clean up your database

We have already made a start on this by removing spam comments and post revisions, however there is still more we can do to help the database.
The first thing you need to do is install WP-DBManager (I know… another plugin).
This will take care of pretty much all the cleaning for you.
Before we make any changes, you must take a backup of your database – this really is a must!
Go to Database > Backup DB in the left menu and click the ‘Backup’ button.
WPDBManager Backup screen
When your backup is complete, go into the ‘Optimize DB’ section, make sure everything has ‘Yes’ selected, then click ‘Optimize’ at the bottom.
Do the same for ‘Repair DB’.
Finally go to ‘Empty/Drop Tables’. In this section you all of your tables again. You need to go through each of those Table names and drop anything that relates to a plugin you have previously deactivated.
Unfortunately, deactivating a plugin doesn’t always mean it will clean up after itself, so go ahead and drop those extra tables from your database.

#5. Add caching to your website

Caching allows your website to save a static version of each of your pages onto your server, this file then get’s used when displaying your pages.
This means that the database won’t have to be accessed to display the content every time a new visitor arrives at your website; which in turn decreases the load time of your site dramatically.
To add caching to your website, you do need to install another plugin (last one – promise).
That plugin is called WP Super Cache.
Simply install the plugin, then go to Settings > WP Super Cache, make sure your on the ‘Easy’ tab then just turn caching on. Done.
WP Super Cache easy options settings
If you are more technically minded, then give W3 Total Cache a try as that does have better advanced features, but for now, WP Super Cache will do the job just fine.

Now it’s your turn

Speeding up your web pages doesn’t have to be a daunting task, you just have to stay on top of things by deleting spam, old post revisions and plugins.
Once you have the database and caching plugins installed, they can be set up to take care of themselves so no need to worry about them in the future.

Once you have made those changes, take a look back at Pingdom and see how much you have improved.

How to turn your Facebook Place into a Facebook Page

When lots of companies and individuals create a Facebook page, Facebook will automatically turn it into a ‘Facebook Place’.
This can be annoying for those companies as it isn’t what they expect when they create their page.
This article will highlight the differences between a Facebook place and a Facebook page, and then tell you how to turn your Facebook place into a page.

What’s the difference between a Facebook page and a place?

Facebook Pages

A Facebook page is the standard business page. It is an area on Facebook where companies can interact with the audience.
The page will allow your audience to ‘like’ you. This means that your updates will appear in their news feeds amongst their friends updates.
Facebook will provide your page with ‘insights’. This is their name for page analytics.
It allows you to see your ‘like’ growth, demographics of your audience, and statistics about your individual posts.

Facebook Places

A Facebook place has the same functionality as the pages; however it is aimed at the companies or organisations that have a physical location.
This is useful if your company is a coffee shop or estate agents where you want people to come into your store.
Additional options are available within the page admin; these allow you to specify your company location and state additional information, such as parking availability.
The most significant difference between a Place and Page is the check in functionality. This allows visitors to your location to say that they have been to your location through a mobile device.
You can use adverts that target people who have checked into your location or give special deals to those visitors.
When a visitor checks in, a message goes out on their news feed that lets their friends know they are at your location, this is a great opportunity to promote your business through the Facebook news feed, for very little cost.
Unfortunately, a place can’t deal with multiple locations.
If your company is spread across different addresses, I would suggest you either create multiple places for each location, or combine all the places into a page (combining is the preferred option here).

How to tell if your Facebook page is a place

There a few ways to determine if whether you have a Facebook place or page:
  1. Type the page name into the search bar – You will see either a ‘Pages’ or ‘Places’ title
  2. On your page, if there is a ‘were here’ option under the title, you have a place
  3. If there is a map on the about page, it’s likely you have a place

Convert your Facebook place to a page

Changing your place to a page is very simple:

Update your Facebook page category:

  1. Go to your page
  2. Click ‘Edit page
  3. Click ‘Update Info
  4. Select any category other than ‘Local businesses’

Remove your location:

  1. Go to your page
  2. Click ‘Edit page
  3. Click ‘Update info
  4. Remove your address, City / town and postcode
  5. To the right of the ‘Address’ field, there is a dropdown, click the down arrow and then ‘No physical street address
  6. Click ‘Save changes’ at the bottom
  7. Go back to the address section, there will now be a yellow box. Click ‘remove this Place
Change Facebook place to page
Remove the Facebook place

And that is all there is to it. This change might take up to 24 hours to come into effect, however it is normally changed quicker than that.
If you want to change back to a Facebook place, just add in your address again!

If you found this post useful, I would love to hear from you in the comments below. Similarly, if it hasn’t worked for you then let me know and I will do my best to help.

Facebook page not displaying in the search results

Facebook pages are extremely important to both large and small businesses. They are a great way of interacting with your target audience and making them aware of any new products or services that you offer. The last thing you would want, is your page to not be displaying in the search results on Facebook.
If your Facebook page isn’t showing up in the search results on Facebook, this post is for you.

Identifying the problem

The first thing you need to do is locate your page. This is because your page is most likely showing up, however not in the place you would expect.
1. Go to Facebook
2. Using the search bar, type in the name of your page
3. Click on “See more results for ____” where the blank is your page name
4. Click on ‘Pages’ in the left menu
Your page should be on this list, it might not be the first couple of results so scroll down a little. To get to the first results you need to take a look at what you are posting. Take a look at these Facebook post guidelines to give you some idea of the type of content you need to post.
If your page isn’t in this list:
5. Click on ‘Places’ in the left menu
If you didn’t see your page under ‘Pages’ your Facebook page has most likely been changed to a ‘Place’.
It does this based on the information you have entered before you create your page, and if anyone has ‘checked in’ to the address you entered in your page’s basic information.
Finally, if the page hasn’t shown up when following all the above steps, it is likely a setting within your page is incorrect.

The solution

There are three possible solutions, all of which should be completed:

The first is to claim your Facebook page:

1. Go to your Facebook page
2. Click the ‘Do you know the owner?’ which can be found in the settings (cog at the top right)
This link is only appearing because your Facebook page is displaying as a Place in the search.
3. In the popup, enter the email address, or the Facebook name of the owner of the page
This should send an email to the account, notifying them how they can claim their page.
If you can see the ‘Is this your business?’ link in the same place, I would also recommend verifying that you are the owner.

The second is to change your page category:

1. Go to your Facebook page
2. Click on Manage > ‘Edit page’ 
3. Click on ‘Basic information’
4. In the ‘Category’ selector, choose any other than ‘Local businesses & places’
5. Click ‘Save changes’
This should change your page from a ‘Place’ to a ‘Page’

Finally, you need to check your settings

1. Go to your page
2. Click on ‘Edit page’
3. Click on ‘Manage permissions’
4. Make sure the ‘Country restrictions’ box is empty

Facebook page country permissions

If this has a value, you could be hiding your page from a country without meaning to.
The above steps won’t update straight away, however if you check again tomorrow, it should now be displaying in the search results under ‘Pages’.

If you have an alternative method, or if you found any of these techniques worked for you then do let others know by using the comments below.

How to set up Google Analytics Social Reports and Goals

Google have recently rolled out their new Social Reports in Google Analytics. This feature is a great way to measure the return on investment (ROI) of social media.
After trawling the internet, I was still confused exactly how I should set up my Google Analytics account to make best use of these new features.
This article will take you through the steps needed to set up your Google Analytics Social Reports.

If you are looking for a feature list, take a look here.
The first thing you need to know is that the social reports run off goals within Google Analytics.
If you already have goals set up, your reports (found by clicking Standard Reports > Traffic Sources > Social > Overview) should already be showing you some data, however if your only seeing $0 values, you need to create some goals.

What are goals?

Goals in Google Analytics are tasks that a website visitor should complete. You give a monetary in dollars for each goal you create. For some people, this is easy as getting people beyond a landing page to a paid product is the goal, in this case, the monetary value should obviously be the value of the product.
However you might also want to set up a goal of people viewing a certain number of pages, or staying on the website for a specific amount of time. These are harder to put values on, however they enable will enable you to see which social network generates the most engaged visitors.

How to create goals

Goals are created by:
  1. Click ‘Admin’ in the top right
  2. Click the ‘Goals’ tab
  3. Click ‘+Goal’
  4. Give the goal a name
  5. Select the goal type
  6. Fill in the appropriate fields
  7. Click ‘Save’
You can have up to 5 goals within each of the 4 goal sets.

What happens now?

Now you are all set up to go!
Yep, I didn’t believe it was that easy either.
Unfortunately the social reports will take a day or two to kick in with your new data.
However while your waiting for them, you can still take a look at the ‘Conversions’ part of Google Analytics to see how your customers are doing.
You can also identify exactly which networks are driving the most traffic to your website by viewing sources.

How are you finding the Social Reports? Do you know of any hidden gems that others might not know of? Let me know in the comments below.

How to block specific Google AdSense Ads from your website

Google AdSense is a viable way of making money online.
Yes it does take work, and yes you do need website visitors before it starts to pay, but it’s a source of income from your content.
That being said, if you’re scaring your visitors away because you have an advert that is completely irrelevant to your content, then you won’t see the best results from your AdSense adverts.
This article will show you how to disable specific categories of adverts, and how to remove individual AdSense ads.

How to determine if an advert category will be appropriate for your website

I’m a believer that testing everything is the way forward, so before you jump in and disable as many categories as Google will allow, let’s take a step back.
Leaving all of the advert categories open will allow you to see which adverts your visitors are clicking and which ones are not being displayed at all.
As you are limited to blocking 50 categories, there isn’t any point blocking an advert if it never displays.
That’s just wasteful!
So before you start removing categories, make sure you leave your adverts running for at least a week so you have an understanding of what is showing up, which categories are being clicked on, and those that aren’t.

Removing AdSense categories

To remove ads, you first need to sign into AdSense, and then click ‘Allow & Block ads’.
You will then see additional links at the top of the page.
First, I recommend you go into the ‘Sensitive categories’ tab and block those if you don’t think they are appropriate for your audience.
These sensitive categories do not count towards your 50 category block limit, so feel free to block them all should you wish.
Once you are finished there, head into the ‘General categories’ tab.
Each of the categories listed here are top level categories, that means they have multiple levels of sub categories too.
So make sure you click into each category (click the name) and block individual sub categories instead of the entire top level.
If you were to block all of ‘Finance’, you would have wasted 44 of your 50 categories, so make sure you dive into specific sub categories and block those individually.
You can then go into the remaining tabs and work through those. I won’t go into these as sorting your categories should be enough to display appropriate adverts on your website.
Remember: Let your adverts run for a while without restrictions so you can identify which categories you don’t need to block as they never appear.
Remove specific Google AdSense adverts

Removing specific Google AdSense ads

Once your adverts have been running for a while, you will be able to go into ‘Ads (Ad review center)’ tab within ‘Allow & block ads’.
You may need to opt-in to this section, but once you are in, you can view the individual adverts that have appeared on your website.
If you hover over each of the adverts, you can click the ‘Block’ button to stop that individual advert from appearing on your website again.
If you click the down arrow next to the ‘Block’ button, you can block any adverts from that provider.
Nice and simple.

Remove specific AdSense ads

Do you use AdSense on your website? Let me know in the comments below.