Thursday, 28 February 2013

How To Monetize Your Blog – How I Really Make Money From My Website

How I Really Make Money With My Website and How You Can To!

Notice the word: REALLY – that is deliberate as I am sure some people still think I make money in a different way to how I explain it in all my blog posts. I REALLY am telling you as it is – all you need to do is follow and take action.
On first glance of my website, you probably wonder how I even make money from my website as there are no visible adverts like you would see on most other websites. In some cases I even have readers email me to thank me for all the great information and asked if there was any think they could buy of me to thank me. When you’re readers don’t even know your monetizing your blog, you are doing a real good job. Some of the following may be different from what you have been taught in the past, so it’s only right I reassure you with some figures:
I have two websites, both in the same niche, both with the same amount of traffic, one has advertising and the other promotes affiliate offers. The second blog with affiliate offers makes at least 5 times the amount as the other one.
Real quickly, I will tell you why you don’t want to sell advertising:
  • Customers are hard work and they blame you for their mistakes
  • Constantly adding/editing/deleting advertisers
  • Paper work – trying to keep up with them
  • Ugly and take away from user experience
  • Most importantly… makes you less money!
In most cases I would say traffic is the most important thing for a website, without it you can’t make money – but if you don’t know how to monetize your website, then surely the traffic is pointless?
If you could only take 3 things away from this post, I hope they are:
1. Using a Lightbox optin I was able to significantly increase my daily email opt-in rate (304% +). I wish now I had used one sooner.
2. Test promoting different products, one product I promote out sells all others by at least 20 to 1 and I wouldn’t have know that if I had not switched around promotions on my site.
3. ASK! My conversions and sales continual to increase because I’m always asking my affiliate managers for more, a free trial, coupon codes, different landing pages – if it’s going to make you more sales, it’s going to make them more money and so they should at least make an effort to help you.

Finding Affiliate Programs To Promote

The majority of my income comes from promoting eBooks and online courses. Compared to other things I promote, I don’t sell as many eBooks say compared to services and software, however the commission is much higher, usually between 50% and 75%.
At this point, most “gurus” would tell you to search ClickBank and pick a product to promote on your website but it really isn’t as simple as that, depending on what you pick, your conversion rate will differ. Typically I will pick a product from a sub category such as eMarketing > Blog Marketing and choose a blog marketing eBook (for a blog like this), such as Blogging to the Bank.

Screen Shot From
From the above picture you will see two things, on the left, the subcategory I chose and on the right, the stats of the top converting product, in this case, Blogging Espionage. When you go to any category or subcategory page, at the top of the page will be the highest selling product, note GRAV (Gravity!)- the higher the number, the more sales it’s making. Also you want to look at ‘future’ in the Stats, because this is the money you can make on top of the Total Sale if people who buy the product you are promoting then go on to buy other products from the seller – for example, they join a membership website. Apart from this, you also want to make sure the product is a good match for your site, would it add to what your offering? Would you buy it yourself? These are questions you should ask yourself, if every box is ticketed then click Promote and you will be given an affiliate link to use. One thing I would also add, is to ask your readers and followers what products they have bought in the past? This has helped me understand better what products interest my readers. (For those of you who are wondering the %/refd: STAT above refers to the percentage of sales that have come from Affiliates – in this case, 89% of the sellers sales have come via affiliates)
Depending on what type of products you want to promote, you may also want to try Commission Junction for services, Amazon Associates Program for physical products and E-Junkie has a few good things to promote, however I never find their sales pages convert as high as the previous mentioned sites.

Promoting Affiliate Products On Your Blog

This is where a lot of people go wrong, they simply add a couple affiliate offers to their blog and cross their fingers, hoping someone will buy from them. There is a lot, a lot more to it than that!
Promote Things You Use
This works because people can actively see you using the service or product, for example with IncomeDiary I recommend my hosting company, domain registrar and my designer. This can be used for any niche, for example a Cookery or Restaurant review blog could promote cookware from their favorite celebrity chef via an affiliate link to the Kitchen & Dining store on Amazon. I actually am at the moment transferring my website over to because of a recommendation on a sidebar of another blog – I did this because I respected the guys opinion and could see it was working well for him.
Below we have an excellent example from showing how he is promoting a product (a wordpress theme) that he actually is using himself. If your readers see you using a product then they are more likely to respond to your offer.

Here's an Example of Chris promoting the blog theme he uses.
Promoting Recommended eBooks
I have found that two things that convert really well – the first being the ‘Offer Box’ below. In the past I have used banners provided by affiliate managers and also had some really snazzy boxes designed however this real clean, simple box with a green stop sign converts the highest.

My Top Converting Offer Box:

Recommended Reading Box Used On
The box above is one of my best converting strategies and because of that, I will allow any IncomeDiary reader/fan to use it on their blog, dozens already are! I like to promote two offers in the box, one low priced and one high price. Fortunately for my higher priced offer above, I was able to secure a $1 trial and that has seen conversions go even higher. (Top Tip: If you are promoting a higher priced offer – try and get a special rate or introductory offer to get people interested in taking action. I do this with AWeber also and it works a treat)
The second thing that converts really well is adding a text advert at the top of my list posts, such as on my Top Earning Bloggers post. I add a link saying, “Want to follow in their footsteps? Check out this product”. This works because as the read the post the reader is highly motivated and inspired and wants to see themselves – on this list one day.
Comparison and Resources Page
These pages are usually to reinforce and to monetize other blog posts you have on your site. When you are selling any service or product, there are always other products to compare to and on most occasions these other products have affiliate programs also. I personally promote web hosting, domains etc.. but you could choose anything from computer games to house insurance. (Anyone notice how successful Price Comparison websites are these days? – I am just using the same principle)
You can see my website hosting comparison page here: Website Hosting Comparisons
The goal of the comparison page it to do two things. First to make it clear that the original offer that you mentioned in your post is the best priced and the one they should choose. The other is to increase conversions. It is quite likely that your visitor will want to shop around – it is natural and the right thing to do. You are giving them the opportunity to compare offers without having to go and search Google – and the longer the visitor is on your website the more chance there is you will earn a commission, either with your No 1 recommendation or via some of the comparison offers. Special Note: It is also OK to put in some comparisons that will not earn you any commissions – if you are being authentic and creating trust, which you should be, then your visitors, especially your more ‘internet marketing aware’ visitors will appreciate your ‘impartial’ approach.
Email Marketing Funnel
Getting people to Opt-in is perhaps the most profitable thing you can do with your blog – especially if you then followup with quality information and interesting offers.
If you ask any big internet marketer, one of the main things they would tell you is that they wished they had started to build their list earlier. Done right (which means first delivering quality information — not some load of spammy offers) than email marketing to a Strong List of followers is about as close as it gets online to printing money.
A brief overview of how my funnel works:
1. Opt-in boxes are displayed through out my website – for this I offer a special free gift to entice people into signing up. I also add a well designed eCover to give even more value to this FREE product. I display opt-in box’s in 3 ways, a squeeze page, a sidebar box and the highest converting, a lightbox advert, which increased my conversions by over 200%!
2. Visitors sign up and confirm their email address.
3. When I find good quality offers related to my niche (for example on Clickbank) I email subscribers. Sometimes I can earn several thousand dollars from just one mailing by doing this.
When it comes down to email marketing and autoresponder software, I believe there is only one you should use and that’s AWeber which is who I use and pretty much all my competitor, if you order today you can have your first month for only $1. Apart from AWeber, you may want to consider iContact.
Content Orientated Blog Posts
This has started to make me more and more money as I test different affiliate offers. Their are 3 main types of blog posts that make me money. They are Interviews, Guides and Reviews.
I shall point out the advantages of each below:
The easiest way to get affiliate sales with blog posts is to find out when a new Clickbank product is being launched, or even an old one for that matter. As long as the sales page converts (view the stats as I pointed out above) – you are going to make money provided it is targeted correctly for your niche / list. Contact the creator of the Clickbank product and email them requesting an interview. I recommend you do the interview over the phone (I use Skype) and record the call and get it transcribed. You then add the call to your site as an MP3 / Podcast and add the transcription for those who prefer to read rather than listen. (The transcription also gives you lots of valuable search engine content). When conducting interviews you can also review the interviewee’s products, ask them questions about it – and then at the end of the interview you can add if you wish your own mini-review of the product and the reasons why visitors should buy it.
Typically your interview will only touch generally on the strategies the interviewee uses but done correctly your listener / reader will be left wanting more. This is when you promote the Interviewee’s product as away for your followers to followup / learn more and grow their own business. Depending on the interviewee and the product, you can easily walk away with dozens of sales and continuous future sales depending on how often future readers find the interview.
Below is an example of the offers I was able to provide to my readers after I interviewed: Adam Horwitz

Promoting an Interviewees Affiliate Products at The Top Of His Interview
Another tactic I use is producing “How to’ or Guide Posts – just like this one. You give away great content that really helps your readers and at the same time you promote affiliate products. Visitors can see you using the products so they can decide if it’s for them or not and those who do notice you are promoting an affiliate product don’t mind because you are helping them out for free. Very Important: This is very important – do take the time to produce good content / how to posts. Despite what some gurus try to imply — there is no such thing as Free Money – you need to work at providing real value to your readers — do that and the money will follow via affiliate sales. So often I see bloggers making ‘half efforts’ at producing guides – frankly you may as well not bother if that is what you are going to do. Readers can tell your passion and commitment in your posts!
Review Posts: Just about every post you do can be a partial review post if you are doing it correctly. This is the essential bit here — no one is really going to pay any attention to your review posts unless they respect you, believe in you, have rapport with you. In other words they feel you can be trusted. As mentioned in previous posts this is why pages such as the ABOUT PAGE and the MY STORY PAGE are so essential.
To start building that trust and rapport you must first provide good content, valuable content. So often readers tell me they cannot believe how much good content I give away for free – if you start to get comments like that then you are doing it right. Build rapport and anything your recommend will stand a far better chance of being sold. I don’t do that many purely review only posts – but one recent example is: My Review Post For MarketMeTweet

Increasing Your Conversions

Although the following may seem like small things, the increase in conversions can be as much as 1000% in some cases so do pay attention.
Ask For a Coupon Code
Most companies will have the ability to create custom coupon codes, all you have to do is ask for them. These are great for increasing conversions as the coupon can make a huge difference such as making it a trial offer or get something free.

Offering Coupon Codes Increase Conversions
Ask For a Special Offer
Some of my best converting affiliate links convert so well because of the special offers I am able to offer my readers. For example a $1 Trial or a Bonus offer only available to my readers.
I could go on – but as I said at the beginning, the most important thing to do is TAKE ACTION. I appreciate you reading this of course, but ultimately unless you put these strategies into action they count for nothing.

Saturday, 2 February 2013

10 Basic Tips to Remember While Creating Blogs

Blogging is a very profitable and stable business, but the competition has made it very difficult for newbies to enter in this field.
The reasons are so many, e.g lack of knowledge and confidence, less experience, desire of getting popular in short time, expecting things is short span of time, coming up with competitive topics, not reading and following recommendations of the popular bloggers, monotony and having no proper business plan and so on…..
The only way for a newbie in this competitive environment is to stand out of the crowd.

In order to stand of the crowd, newbie is advised to start with a effective business plan and continue with the right steps. In blogging, blog is the first thing that will differentiate you from the rest. Blog must be very creative and well designed so that your readers can enjoy while reading it.
There are some tips, if you keep them in mind while blogging, you may create magic in the readers mind:

1. Attractive Design: We like anything on internet, if the matter is soothing to our eyes. Hence, this is very important to design your blog well not only that but it should be user friendly also.

2. Font Style, Size and Colors: Fonts that you use in your blog must be clear and easily decipherable never use the fonts such as Old English Text MT, Magneto etc. Even remember the fonts are not very large or very tiny while you are writing a blog must use the 12-14 size. We are aware that light color suits to dark background and dark to the light.

3. Images: Always add some images in your Blog that gives visual effects to the reader as we know that only reading can bore you and your eyes.

4. Proportionate the Sidebar: Give equal weightage to each and every portion of the blog. Do not enlarge the sidebars it makes the blog look yuck. Always keep the important points in the sidebars. This also helps you at the time when you get any advertise to post on your blog.

5. Don’t Overload the Blog: While writing a blog, remember that you write point to point. Do not use long sentences. Never use excessive images or description.

6. Highlight the Links: Always remember that the links given in the blog must be highlighted well. Thus, the links will stand out from the other contents.

7. Let Readers Make The Choice: Never keep the auto start music or videos in your blog. Let you readers decide if they want them or not. The auto playing music and videos take too much bandwidth and slow down the speed of PC. Always keep your videos in the sidebar, so that they are in sight.

8. Generate Sitemap & Navigation: It is advisable to create a sitemap in your blog. By doing so your blog will enable search engine spiders to know where to go. You can provide a search box in your blog where readers can search for keywords and find the relevant matter they are looking for.  Always set your archives by category and by months.

9. Approachable Contact and Subscription Links: If you want to have followers, readers and subscribers who can visit you on regular basis, locate your feed, social-networking links and subscription links easily approachable for readers.

10. Remove Captchas and Have a Favicon: Captchas can create a trouble for visitor in leaving comment as sometimes, the text is very small & unclear to read and sometimes it takes more than one attempt to follow Captchas procedure. So you should remove Captchas to get maximum visitors’ comment. More over your blog should have identity which facilitates readers to search your blog in a big clump. For this propose, creating Favicon is perfect choice.

I hope you would have found this article nice. Please share your comments below and let us know if you consider some more basic tips that a blogger should know while he is blogging.

Top 10 Search Terms:
• basic tips for creating blog • main things to remember while creating a blog • what to keep in mind while creating a blog

5 Things to Remember While You Blog

Congratulations! Remember that your blog is a project of creative writing as much as your novel-in-progress or budding memoir. But there are important differences, and they are worth keeping in mind if you’d like the quality of your posts to grow, and readers to grow as a result of that quality.

  1. Your readers face temptation. At any moment they can hop to another blog, check their Twitter feed, or pull up a video of a cat yawning to a dance beat. Open strong. Write short.
  2. Allow your blog to evolve. Which posts are read the most? Keep drawing readers back months later? What are commenters saying? Listen and react. The Artist’s Road has evolved over the past 18 months in ways I wouldn’t have expected as I’ve responded to reader feedback.
  3. Blog gurus instruct us to put great care into the selection of imagery. I'll break that rule by sharing a photo from my cross-country U.S. road trip of an Ann Arbor, Michigan, robot repair store.
    Break the rules occasionally. When you absolutely have to, write long. Or go off subject. Unpredictability is great in moderation. Or, as your left brain might say, “Spontaneity has its time and place.”
  4. Post original materialA blog is not the place to publish your work-in-progress. You’re embarking on a conversation, not a literary reading. Engage with us directly, and we’ll engage back.
  5. Have fun! You get to write. You get to see your name in “print.” You get to read people saying they liked what you wrote. What’s so bad about that?
If you’re here, you’re a reader of blogs. You may have one yourself. What have I left out?

Friday, 1 February 2013

10 Awesome Ways to Integrate Twitter With Your Website

Web developers with social media savvy are in hot demand. Imagine what it would be like to promise your clients a web presence that is fully integrated with their Twitter strategy and makes it easier for their content to go viral on Twitter. Would be nice, no? Well — why imagine? The tools for web developers to add a touch of Twitter to any site are out there and easy to use. Trust us — your clients will love you for it!
There’s no better time to start utilizing Twitter integration tools than right now. Here are 10 of the most useful ways to start turning your site readers (or your client’s customer base) into Twitter followers, and vice versa.

1. Twitter Widgets

If you’re just getting started with wanting to integrate Twitter into your site, than simply adding the traditional Twitter widget to your site’s sidebar is a great start. It’s not sexy, but it’s a great way to show your latest tweets on your website. It’s an effective way to get readers involved into your Twitter updates, without taking up too much screen real estate.
Twitter widgets can be used with virtually any site or blog, including HTMl-only pages. While they may not require the most exciting development hack to incorporate Twitter into a website (copy + paste), simplicity is not a bad thing.

2. Twitter Buttons

Twitter Buttons is a nifty little service that helps you quickly create a badge to promote your Twitter account. You can choose from over 40 different well-designed Twitter buttons, spanning different shapes and sizes. The service also allows you to automatically create the HTML needed to build the badge without any programming knowledge, not even a teensy bit. Easy peasy.

3. Twitter Tools

Thanks to WordPress’ dominance in the blog software world, many blog owners are using Alex King’s excellent Twitter Tools to integrate Twitter into their blogs. Twitter tools is a Twitter Swiss Army knife for WordPress, adding almost limitless functionality to an otherwise Twitter-less blog. The nifty plugin allows you to:
  • Create a blog post from each of your tweets
  • Create a daily digest post of your tweets
  • Create a tweet on Twitter whenever you post in your blog, with a link to the blog post
  • Post a tweet from your sidebar
  • Pass your tweets along to another service (via API hook)
… and much more.

4. TwitThis

Twitter is a powerful promotional tool. Many influential Twitterers have thousands of followers, and an endorsement from one of the “Twitterati” could send a wave of traffic to your site. If you factor in that those followers might tweet to their followers, than you have a very viral social marketing tool.
TwitThis is a little button that you can place in your HTML or in your blog template to allow your readers to quickly and easily share what they’re reading with their Twitter followers. Aside from an HTML button, users can also “tweet” their findings via a bookmarklet, and WordPress users have a nifty plugin they can install as well.

5. TweetSuite

TweetSuite is one of the most compelling uses of the Twitter API in a blog plugin. TweetSuite is a WordPress plugin that furrows among the Twitter API and finds the tweets that reference the current page. It adds another aspect to commenting, showing more of the total conversation around the blog post. Aside from that, TweetSuite boasts some impressive functionality like a Retweet button and a “Tweet this” button (like the famed “Digg this” button).

6. Chirrup

TweetSuite is currently offered only for WordPress blogs, but there is another solution for pulling Twitter comments across any platform: Chirrup. Chirrup allows you to display all of the references from Twitter on a given webpage (much like TweetSuite), except it does this by only adding a Javascript snippet. Chirrup is a PHP/Javascript program that has to be hosted locally, but only requires a tiny Javascript include to work on any page. This means that any static HTML page can now have a Twitter-based commenting system.
That’s a lot of marketing potential for sites wanting to tap into Twitter.

7. Tweet This

Tweet This is a WordPress plugin that has much of the same functionality as TwitThis, with a few more bells and whistles. Tweet This automatically shortens your website or blog post URL with a URL shortening service, and also allows you to easily configure the look and feel of the service, without having to dig around in the template code too much. It’s a simple drop-in solution for WordPress blogs, but a powerful way to help spread your content among readers on Twitter.

8. IntenseDebate

IntenseDebate is one of the best 3rd-party commenting systems on the web. The service is famous for its threaded comments, user system and rating, excellent design and ease of installation. Yet one of the most progressive features in IntenseDebate’s deep feature set is the ability to notify Twitter when you’ve made a comment. Not only does this feature help the commenter showcase what he’s yakking about online, it also gives the originating site some more attention on Twitter.

9. Aweber

Prized for it’s stellar email marketing features, Aweber has an excellent feature for any newsletter marketer: The ability to tweet the newsletter. The newsletter delivery service has actually created a way to convert RSS to Email to Tweet (if you can wrap your head around that).
There are many site owners who run incredibly successful email newsletters, so this feature is very useful for those wanting to bring that extra bit of awareness to a newsletter.

10. Twitterfeed

Last, but certainly not least, is a pioneer of website and Twitter integration: Twitterfeed. Twitterfeed allows you to automatically insert tweets into your Twitter stream from any RSS feed. Many blogs utilize this functionality to let their Twitter followers know when new content is available. You can tailor the format of the generated tweets, and it’s a great way to keep your Twitter followers engaged on your blog.